My artistic name is cybertapas for the digital world and TAPAS for the analogue world. I have been a visual artist and art teacher for over 20 years, and am currently producing my NFTS collection.
«CRYPTOTAPAS» is an exclusive NFT collection designed for cybertapas art lovers. I´m a visual artist and conceptual expressionist painter, making art for freedom, human rights, peace, love, and social causes.

It is included in the barbed wire drawing project; this project is a hymn to freedom, drawing with barbed wire different beings and objects that explode, destroying the fence, turning their free barbs from the wire into birds flying freely and other beings and things that identify it.

Cybergraffiti is a collection of digital graffiti that is impossible to do in the real world because they are painted on great monuments of humanity, great works of art, places that are impossible to do graffiti, etc.
At the same time, they denounce social injustice, historical-scientific error, prejudice, religious fanaticism, etc. Through the related graffiti.

Bitcoin comes to Earth as a meteorite that, upon impacting the planet, will establish a new era, as a new force to change and improve the world, decentralising the production and consumption of money, which is the key to unlocking new ways in which the humanity can collaborate on a previously unimaginable scale.

With the NFTs, I claim a plastic art that is not only mental but also manual and balanced, encompassing man in all his facets and overcoming representational and postmodernist prejudices, a natural and not only philosophical art, in which the concept merges with the object. The object now has no value because anyone has it on the network.

Enough of object-concept opposition; the two things have to be intimately linked, and the anti-object conceptual struggle no longer makes sense today; bourgeois art is dead, lifeless; art and life should be the same, yes, but without having to exclude an object, which now can no longer be a cult, except for the mentally ill, because the unique work disappears, everything is directly copied available to anyone.
Therefore, the plastic possibilities far removed from the traditional mercantilism of the art market reappear, such as drawing and painting, representative, but in other non-saleable formats such as graffiti on the street wall or propagation on the Internet.

From the North American neo-pragmatists, we are left with the idea of Richard Rocky and his questioning of the figure of the philosopher as a guide of society and art in particular.
And it is not about considering art as a sublimated form of existence, even though artistic activity is possibly one of the most sublime and elevated activities that the human being can exercise.
It is not a matter of the artist acting as a prophet or as a conscience of society, but if we favour an anti-system attitude, then this system does not lead anywhere. And, of course, although we are all in the system, that does not mean we agree with him.
(DE EMANCIPACIÓ DE QUE de Rubén Pardiñas, Fundació Espais dárt contemporani).